Responsible Gaming
We recognise our social responsibility arising from the operation of gaming machines and ensure we mitigate the risk to the community.
Responsible Gambling
The Mainland Foundation recognises its social responsibility arising from its operation of gaming machines. We ensure that gaming environments and products do not contribute unreasonably to exacerbation of problem gamblers, while also recognising the right of individuals to make informed decisions about their preferred entertainment.

Problem Gambling Treatment
The Mainland Foundation and its venue operators help identify problem gambling and refer affected customers to appropriate sources for help and support.
Prominent Display of Information
Information is prominently displayed in gaming venues about the risks of problem gambling, how to recognise the signs and where to get help. Brochures specifying treatment providers and how they can be contacted are readily available in every venue.
Staff Training and Responses
All staff are made aware of the potential for problem gambling. They are able to provide necessary contact details to players who seek help or are concerned about their gambling behaviour.
Self-exclusion procedures are available at all member sites. This allows customers to authorise their own exclusion from gaming premises.
Unsupervised Persons under 18 Not Permitted
Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to participate in gaming. As per Section 67.1(b) of the Gambling Act 2003.
No credit facilities
Credit will not be extended by The Mainland Foundation or by any of its member sites under any circumstances.
Intoxicated Customers Prevented from Playing
Customers showing signs of intoxication will be prevented from playing gaming machines and may be lawfully removed from gaming premises if necessary.