eligibility guidelines
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The following guidelines apply to every application for grants from gaming machine funds:
- All applications must comply with current regulations before they can be considered.
- Every section of the online application form must be filled out correctly.
- Supporting documentation must be fully complete and attached to the application.
- At least two (2) quotations should be attached for all services and or products that are being applied for.
- The online application form must be signed by at least two officer bearers and dated.
- Provide Proof – Itinerary and date/s of event/s for which funding is being applied for.
- If salaries are being applied for, a copy of the proposed employment contract must also be supplied. NOTE: The signatures on the online grant application form and resolution cannot be from the same person for which the salary you are applying for e.g if you applying for salary support for the General Manager then the General Manager cannot sign the grant application form or the resolution in support of the application.
- Meeting minutes must also be received on official letterhead of the applicant organisation.
Authorised Purposes must benefit the community and not result in any commercial and/or personal gain. The following offer some examples which are not acceptable Authorised Purposes:
- Purposes which will result in a personal and or commercial gain for any individual or organisation include:
- Grants for individual sports persons, unless the grant is made to, and administered by, an incorporated sporting body to which the individual is affiliated.
- Purchase or subsidy of vehicles to be used for private and or commercial activities or social functions.
- Any vehicles for use in motor sport.
- Prizes for sporting and community sporting events. e.g Trophies and engraving.
- Grants to professional sporting person/s.
- The promotion of tourism.
- Commercial events or tournaments staged primarily for publicity and/or the benefit of a select business/client group.
- The Racing Industry:
- Payments to any professional jockeys.
- Payments (other than stake money) to horse or greyhound owners and or trainers.
- Activities or expenses in connection with the breeding of racehorses or greyhounds.
- Stake money.
- Group events or trips
- Social Clubs and sports supporters’ clubs.
- Sporting trips for supporters and or spectators.
- Provision or subsidy for costs of entertainment, food or refreshments.
- Costs associated with staging “after match” functions for sporting groups.
- Grants to non-affiliated sporting clubs.
- Any family reunions.
- Professional sports (apart from where a professional is involved in coaching, training or development of junior sport).
- Grants to non affiliated or social sports clubs or teams, including those playing in corporate leagues.
- Affiliation fees, competition or tournament entry fees, individual or team memberships and subscriptions.
- Cash prizes or large non cash prizes.
- Grants to any facility run for commercial profit.
- Dress uniforms, tracksuits (unless for true regional or national representative teams), training uniforms and personal gear bags.
Criteria For Allocation Of Funds
- Only non-profit bodies may apply, that is, any society, association or organisation whose rules do not allow funds, property or benefits to be distributed to any of its members.
- The grant purposes must comply with the Gambling Act 2003, Gambling Regulations 2004 and The Mainland Foundation’s licence conditions.
- It is a condition of the Foundation’s licence that the proposed allocation will be applied for the purpose stated and no other purpose. Acceptance of the payment will be deemed to confirm that the allocation has or will be applied accordingly.
- In the event of non-compliance with any of these conditions, an amount equal to the grant amount will be immediately repayable by the recipient organisation to The Mainland Foundation.
- The receiving organisation acknowledges and accepts that public disclosure will be made of any funds allocated by The Mainland Foundation as a result of this request.
- All applications will be given due consideration by The Mainland Foundation Net Proceeds Committee. The Committee is the final arbitrator as to the success or otherwise of any grant application, irrespective of the application meeting all or any of The Mainland Foundation’s authorised purpose and/or donation criteria.
- Grant requests must be for future spending. Grants will not be approved for expenditure that has already been incurred at the time the application is reviewed by the Net Proceeds Committee of the Mainland Foundation.
- Grants must be of direct and immediate benefit to the organisation applying.
- All uniforms, equipment etc must remain the property of the recipient organisation (hence why, personal items cannot be funded).
Grant Distribution
As per the current legislation we will return a minimum of 40% of net proceeds back to the community.
Allocations For Purposes Within New Zealand
- All grants must be used for goods and services within New Zealand, to meet Inland Revenue requirements.
- Any applications for international travel will not be considered.
- Travel is expensive and often provides only a limited benefit to the community at large. Applications for funding of national travel are therefore considered very carefully in all instances.
- Departure tax, travel insurance, overseas accommodation, internal travel within an overseas country, etc cannot be funded by gaming machine proceeds.
Ineligible Organisations
The Mainland Foundation will generally not process applications from the following groups:
- Start-up organisations i.e. organisations that have been operating for less than 12 months (unless there are exceptional circumstances beneficial to a wide range of the public).
- Organisations involved in problem gambling and harm minimisation activities (Payment to these organisations is made through the problem gambling levy).
- Pressure and lobby groups or where funds are to be used for party political purposes and/or electioneering.
- Where Mainland Foundation considers that the applicant is not financially sound.
- Where the organisation is under review by the Department Of Internal Affairs or the The Mainland Foundation.
- Where the applicant organisation has failed to produce receipts for previous grants.
No Commercial Benefits To The Hotel/Site And The Mainland Foundation
- There must be no intent by a hotel and the recipient of funds to enter into any agreement where there is a clear commercial benefit to the hotel,for example,backhanders, the purchase of alcohol, patronage of the hotel, etc.
- No procreation fee, commission and/or discount, contra arrangement or payment of any kind may be entered into with any person(s) who is an employee or member of The Mainland Foundation.
- No grant may be linked to, or be conditional on, any site-related arrangement as indicated above.
Method Of Grant Payment
The Mainland Foundation will pay grants by direct credit. Payments are usually made within ten working days of a grant being approved.
Audit and Inspection
- The records of The Mainland Foundation are open for inspection by the Department of Internal Affairs and are subject to an audit processes.
- All grant applications are made on the understanding that if any Department of Internal Affairs Inspector/officer so requests, the applicant organisation/body shall agree to and participate in (at its own expense) any inspection and/or audit.
- The Department of Internal Affairs also requires that all applications include a Consent of Audit” signed by the applicant organisation/body to verify receipt and confirm the correct use of funds.
- All applications will be audited by The Mainland Foundation. There will be a requirement for invoices and receipts to support all quotations submitted with applications. If there is a change of circumstances or costs, the Mainland Foundation should be notified in writing and approval sought for any proposed re-allocation of funds.
- In the event that adequate audit documentation for a grant cannot be obtained, actual costs are less than those indicated in the application, funds are spent other than for the approved Authorised Purpose, there is any other irregularity in the donation process or the applicant has received funding from another source for the same purpose, then The Mainland Foundation is required to obtain a refund of the grant.
Sports Clubs
The provision of furniture, equipment, refurbishment or upgrade of a bar facility in Clubrooms cannot be funded by gaming machine proceeds.
If an applicant is GST registered, only the GST exclusive amount can be funded (as GST is not a real cost to such organisations).